FusionServer Pro features two engines, one for intelligent acceleration, and one for intelligent management. Together, these engines improve the performance of the server at the system level, enhanced by five intelligent management features which contribute to improving client O&M efficiency, while also reducing OPEX.
Huawei’s x86 FusionServer Pro Intelligent server delivers high performance, high reliability and scalability, and can be deployed in numerous scenarios such as racks, high-density, blades, critical business, heterogeneous, liquid-cooled servers and other models.
Kenneth Zhang, President, FusionServer Pro Domain, Huawei Computing Product Line, said, “Our FusionServer line has consistently exceeded the expectations of our clients. Now, with the launch of the FusionServer Pro in the Middle East, we are upgrading the experience by using new Intel Refresh processor from our long-term partner, Intel. FusionServer Pro servers will enable our clients’ digital transformation, whatever their requirements may be.”
“By introducing an intelligent acceleration engine and an intelligent management engine, Huawei upgrades its traditional servers to intelligent servers to help enterprises build intelligent data centre infrastructure with unprecedented compute power,” he added.
Transformation today is shifting from digital to intelligent. As the core driving force, the computing industry faces challenges in compute power and management. Featuring outstanding compute power and intelligence, Huawei’s x86 FusionServer Pro will harness the computing industry and enable transformation into an intelligent world.
This intelligent world needs infrastructure consisting of three parts: connectivity, compute, and cloud. Connectivity and compute infrastructure make the cloud more efficient. And data centres are responsible for most computing tasks. According to Huawei’s Global Industry Vision (GIV) 2025, the penetration rate of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enterprises will reach 86 percent by 2025. Along with increasing intelligent transformation in industry, more and more large-scale data centres will be built. Traditional data centres and servers must upgrade to address the industry’s challenges.
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